Oplan Kausaban 2016

Oplan Kausaban 2016 is a joint project of Pun-an Denoman and the Denoman Community to imbue change, improvements and sustainability for health. Pun-an Denoman believes that health is multifaceted and so problems regarding health must be addressed holistically. Oplan Kausaban 2016 targets not only the health deficits of the community but the related risk factors as well. To achieve the mission and vision of this project, the KKK to Change has been created. This is the strategy that seeks to promote health, livelihood and sanitation in the community.

The KKK to Change

KALIMPYUHAN. sanitation
Poor sanitation is one of the major problems in Denoman. It encompasses the poor hygiene of the community people, improper human excreta disposal, improper solid waste management and lack of potable water source which inadvertently results to skin diseases, intestinal parasitism and other infectious diseases. So to promote health and prevent diseases, reduce mortality and decrease the prevalence, Oplan Kausaban 2016 targets the Kalimpyuhan of the barangay. Through the joint efforts of Pun-an denoman and the Community people themselves, activities on Solid Waste Mangement and advocacies on hygiene and water and toilet sanitation will be pushed through such that by 2016, the Barangay shall have decreased the incidence of infectious diseases, supply of safe drinking water, proper human waste disposal and solid waste management system.

Oplan Kausaban 2016 seeks to empower the community people for them to achieve optimum health. To accomplish this, Pun-an Denoman wishes to enhance the knowledge and skills of the community people on prevention and promotion of health. Limited access to health, inadequate healthcare service delivery will also be the focus of the activities of the project. Also, hypertension being one of the top causes of morbidity in the area will also be addressed. By 2016, we can expect a healthier  Denoman

                                            KABUHAYAN. livelihood
Low family income is still one of the problems in the community. It may seem to be not directly related to health but this is one of the major barriers to health. Pun-an Denoman seeks to help the community to strengthen their means of livelihood and identify additional sources of income. The Oplan kausaban 2016 will make it possible for the community to progress and be self-reliant. Agriculture and farming, coconut, indigenous and recyclable products will be put forth as the main livelihood of the Barangay. By 2016, a more developing community will make its constituents to achieve the right that is ought to be theirs - optimum health.

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